Day 18 and 19 Fire bird

Woman makes fire!

Winter fire01_15 Fire 2 01_15

DAY 18 – On top of a wooded hill top, close to a bronze age round barrow, just after rain was the setting.

The ultimate challenge: start a fire with damp twigs, a little dry wood and newspaper.

The reason: Only a fool would know?

The aim: To open out the views to this very overgrown ancient monument with the help of some men and women from the probation service who totally disbelieved I could do it. Therefore I had to do it! While they went away for a tea break, I got busy…

…And with a bit of patience, preparation, prayer and petrol (as if I would?!) – I did it!

Boy! What an achievement. The probation crew returned to the crackle of twigs and the flicker of flames from of an imperfect but bona fide fireĀ  They all thought I had hidden Bear Grylls behind a tree!

My blessing really was the reward of what perseverance can achieve, and I got to enjoy and share a blazing fire on a beautiful Winter’s afternoon in the woods.

DAY 19 – I saw a flock of probably 100 birds; redwings and fieldfares and mistle thrushes fly overhead whilst I drove along a country lane. They were scooting through the air, so free, set against the backdrop of a perfect blue sky. It was beautiful.

In the afternoon I saw a old couple walking to the shops, holding hands and it made me smile.

I am blessed.