Day 6. Wassail!

The glimmer of something unusual caught my eye last night as I drove along a high ridge road – out of the valley was emerging the most spectacular moonrise!  It was an unexpected treat and reminded me of the beauty around us all the time, even when we are speeding along in our cars and lives. Apparently the full moon has different names for each month – January’s is the Full Wolf moon. So watch out!


Every year on the 6th of January or Twelfth Night marks the start of Epiphany. It is also when the Pilgrim Morris dancers celebrate a Wassail around the 5 oldest pubs in Guildford.


This involves a traditional play, singing carols and sharing a swig or two from a Wassail cup filled with a mix of alcohol. I was invited along by a friend and joined in with the chaos. One of the best moments was walking along the High Street with a man in a suit of Armour, marching to the sound of an accordion and watching the puzzled looks from customers in the kebab shop.

WassailGuildford01_15 (6) WassailGuildford01_15 (5)A really kind couple let me sit down at their table in one of the pubs. It turned out to be the best view in the house of the ongoing shenanigans. At the same time, someone passed around a box of chocolates which reached me just before the last one. Community, kindness, carols, chaos and chocolate. The perfect combination!

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